Chapter 9 Appendix: Stochastic direct and indirect effects

9.1 Definition of the effects

Consider the following directed acyclic graph.

Directed acyclic graph under no intermediate confounders of the mediator-outcome relation affected by treatment

FIGURE 2.1: Directed acyclic graph under no intermediate confounders of the mediator-outcome relation affected by treatment

9.2 Motivation for stochastic interventions

  • So far we have discussed controlled, natural, and interventional (in)direct effects
  • These effects require that \(0 < \P(A=1\mid W) < 1\)
  • They are defined only for binary exposures
  • What can we do when the positivity assumption does not hold or the exposure is continuous?
  • Solution: We can use stochastic effects

9.3 Definition of stochastic effects

There are two possible ways of defining stochastic effects:

  • Consider the effect of an intervention where the exposure is drawn from a distribution
    • For example incremental propensity score interventions
  • Consider the effect of an intervention where the post-intervention exposure is a function of the actually received exposure
    • For example modified treatment policies
  • In both cases \(A \mid W\) is a non-deterministic intervention, thus the name stochastic intervention

9.3.1 Example: incremental propensity score interventions (IPSI) (Kennedy, 2018)

Definition of the intervention

  • Assume \(A\) is binary, and \(\P(A=1\mid W=w) = g(1\mid w)\) is the propensity score
  • Consider an intervention in which each individual receives the intervention with probability \(g_\delta(1\mid w)\), equal to \[\begin{equation*} g_\delta(1\mid w)=\frac{\delta g(1\mid w)}{\delta g(1\mid w) + 1 - g(1\mid w)} \end{equation*}\]
  • e.g., draw the post-intervention exposure from a Bernoulli variable with probability \(g_\delta(1\mid w)\)
  • The value \(\delta\) is user given
  • Let \(A_\delta\) denote the post-intervention exposure distribution
  • Some algebra shows that \(\delta\) is an odds ratio comparing the pre- and post-intervention exposure distributions \[\begin{equation*} \delta = \frac{\text{odds}(A_\delta = 1\mid W=w)} {\text{odds}(A = 1\mid W=w)} \end{equation*}\]
  • Interpretation: what would happen in a world where the odds of receiving treatment is increased by \(\delta\)
  • Let \(Y_{A_\delta}\) denote the outcome in this hypothetical world Illustrative application for IPSIs

  • Consider the effect of participation in sports on children’s BMI
  • Mediation through snacking, exercising, etc.
  • Intervention: for each individual, increase the odds of participating in sports by \(\delta=2\)
  • The post-intervention exposure is a draw \(A_\delta\) from a Bernoulli distribution with probability \(g_\delta(1\mid w)\)

Example: modified treatment policies (MTP) (Dı́az and Hejazi, 2020)

Definition of the intervention

  • Consider a continuous exposure \(A\) taking values in the real numbers
  • Consider an intervention that assigns exposure as \(A_\delta = A - \delta\)
  • Example: \(A\) is pollution measured as \(PM_{2.5}\) and you are interested in an intervention that reduces \(PM_{2.5}\) concentration by some amount \(\delta\)

9.3.2 Mediation analysis for stochastic interventions

  • The total effect of an IPSI can be computed as a contrast of the outcome under intervention vs no intervention: \[\begin{equation*} \psi = \E[Y_{A_\delta} - Y] \end{equation*}\]

  • Recall the NPSEM \[\begin{align} W & = f_W(U_W)\\ A & = f_A(W, U_A)\\ M & = f_M(W, A, U_M)\\ Y & = f_Y(W, A, M, U_Y) \end{align}\]

  • From this we have \[\begin{align*} M_{A_\delta} & = f_M(W, A_\delta, U_M)\\ Y_{A_\delta} & = f_Y(W, A_\delta, M_{A_\delta}, U_Y) \end{align*}\]

  • Thus, we have \(Y_{A_\delta} = Y_{A_\delta, M_{A_\delta}}\) and \(Y = Y_{A,M_{A}}\)

  • Let us introduce the counterfactual \(Y_{A_\delta, M}\), interpreted as the outcome observed in a world where the intervention on \(A\) is performed but the mediator is fixed at the value it would have taken under no intervention: \[Y_{A_\delta, M} = f_Y(W, A_\delta, M, U_Y)\]

  • Then we can decompose the total effect into: \[\begin{align*} \E[Y&_{A_\delta,M_{A_\delta}} - Y_{A,M_A}] = \\ &\underbrace{\E[Y_{\color{red}{A_\delta},\color{blue}{M_{A_\delta}}} - Y_{\color{red}{A_\delta},\color{blue}{M}}]}_{\text{stochastic natural indirect effect}} + \underbrace{\E[Y_{\color{blue}{A_\delta},\color{red}{M}} - Y_{\color{blue}{A},\color{red}{M}}]}_{\text{stochastic natural direct effect}} \end{align*}\]

9.4 Identification assumptions

  • Confounder assumptions:
    • \(A \indep Y_{a,m} \mid W\)
    • \(M \indep Y_{a,m} \mid W, A\)
  • No confounder of \(M\rightarrow Y\) affected by \(A\)
  • Positivity assumptions:
    • If \(g_\delta(a \mid w)>0\) then \(g(a \mid w)>0\)
    • If \(\P(M=m\mid W=w)>0\) then \(\P(M=m\mid A=a,W=w)>0\)

Under these assumptions, stochastic effects are identified as follows

  • The indirect effect can be identified as follows \[\begin{align*} \E&(Y_{A_\delta} - Y_{A_\delta, M}) =\\ &\E\left[\color{Goldenrod}{\sum_{a}\color{ForestGreen}{\{\E(Y\mid A=a, W)-\E(Y\mid A=a, M, W)\}}g_\delta(a\mid W)}\right] \end{align*}\]

  • The direct effect can be identified as follows \[\begin{align*} \E&(Y_{A_\delta} - Y_{A_\delta, M}) =\\ &\E\left[\color{Goldenrod}{\sum_{a}\color{ForestGreen}{\{\E(Y\mid A=a, M, W) - Y\}}g_\delta(a\mid W)}\right] \end{align*}\]

  • Let’s dissect the formula for the indirect effect in R:

n <- 1e6
w <- rnorm(n)
a <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(1 + w))
m <- rnorm(n, w + a)
y <- rnorm(n, w + a + m)
  • First, fit regressions of the outcome on \((A,W)\) and \((M,A,W)\):
fit_y1 <- lm(y ~ m + a + w)
fit_y2 <- lm(y ~ a + w)
  • Get predictions fixing \(A=a\) for all possible values \(a\)
pred_y1_a1 <- predict(fit_y1, newdata = data.frame(a = 1, m, w))
pred_y1_a0 <- predict(fit_y1, newdata = data.frame(a = 0, m, w))
pred_y2_a1 <- predict(fit_y2, newdata = data.frame(a = 1, w))
pred_y2_a0 <- predict(fit_y2, newdata = data.frame(a = 0, w))
  • Compute \[\color{ForestGreen}{\{\E(Y\mid A=a, W)-\E(Y\mid A=a, M, W)\}}\] for each value \(a\)
pseudo_a1 <- pred_y2_a1 - pred_y1_a1
pseudo_a0 <- pred_y2_a0 - pred_y1_a0
  • Estimate the propensity score \(g(1\mid w)\) and evaluate the post-intervention propensity score \(g_\delta(1\mid w)\)
pscore_fit <- glm(a ~ w, family = binomial())
pscore <- predict(pscore_fit, type = 'response')
## How do the intervention vs observed propensity score compare
pscore_delta <- 2 * pscore / (2 * pscore + 1 - pscore)
  • What do the post-intervention propensity scores look like?
plot(pscore, pscore_delta, xlab = 'Observed prop. score',
     ylab = 'Prop. score under intervention')
abline(0, 1)

9.5 What are the odds of exposure under intervention vs real world?

odds <- (pscore_delta / (1 - pscore_delta)) / (pscore / (1 - pscore))
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>       2       2       2       2       2       2
  • Compute the sum \[\color{Goldenrod}{\sum_{a}\color{ForestGreen}{\{\E(Y\mid A=a, W)-\E(Y\mid A=a, M, W)\}}g_\delta(a\mid W)}\]
indirect <- pseudo_a1 * pscore_delta + pseudo_a0 * (1 - pscore_delta)
  • The average of this value is the indirect effect
## E[Y(Adelta) - Y(Adelta, M)]
#> [1] 0.1091
  • The direct effect is \[\begin{align*} \E&(Y_{A_\delta} - Y_{A_\delta, M}) =\\ &\E\left[\color{Goldenrod}{\sum_{a}\color{ForestGreen}{\{\E(Y\mid A=a, M, W) - Y\}}g_\delta(a\mid W)}\right] \end{align*}\]

  • Which can be computed as

direct <- (pred_y1_a1 - y) * pscore_delta +
       (pred_y1_a0 - y) * (1 - pscore_delta)
#> [1] 0.10934

9.6 Summary

  • Stochastic (in)direct effects
    • Relax the positivity assumption
    • Can be defined for non-binary exposures
    • Do not require a cross-world assumption
  • Still require the absence of intermediate confounders
    • But, compared to the NDE and NIE, we can design a randomized study where identifiability assumptions hold, at least in principle
    • There is a version of these effects that can accommodate intermediate confounders (Hejazi et al., 2022c)
    • R implementation to be released soon…stay tuned!


Dı́az, I. and Hejazi, N.S. (2020) Causal mediation analysis for stochastic interventions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 82, 661–683.
Hejazi, N.S., Rudolph, K.E., Laan, M.J. van der and Dı́az, I. (2022c) Nonparametric causal mediation analysis for stochastic interventional (in) direct effects. Biostatistics, (in press).
Kennedy, E.H. (2018) Nonparametric causal effects based on incremental propensity score interventions. Journal of the American Statistical Association.