7  Additional topics of interest

The literature on mediation analysis has grown considerably in the last few decades and there are now many novel methods to tackle important questions with complex data structures. While we are unable to cover all these interesting methods in this workshop, here we provide a few references for further reading.

This list is not meant to be comprehensive, just some of our own work and some work by others that we know and consider interesting.

7.1 Mediation with multiple mediators and multiple intermediate confounders

Note that the medoutcon R package works for multiple mediators but is limited to settings with only a single, binary intermediate confounder. If your data scenario includes multiple mediators and multiple intermediate confounders, you should consider using the HDmediation R package instead.

7.2 Mediation with monotonicity of A-Z relationship

7.3 Mediation with instrumental variables

7.4 Mediation with separable effects